The Case for Voxer Coaching: A Powerful Tool For Online Teachers and Coaches

why I adore voxer coaching and it's a powerful tool for online teachers and coaches

Are you an online teacher or coach looking for an exciting new way to connect with your clients?

Or maybe you’re interested in working with a coach, and they’ve offered you to move your sessions to the Voxer app?

You’re in the right place for all the information you need about Voxer, the messaging app that’s changing the face of online coaching. In this blog post, I’ll explore lots of ways to structure your coaching sessions on Voxer and highlight some essential tips to make the most out of this powerful platform.

What is Voxer?

Voxer is the name of a web and mobile app for messaging with other people. You can get it on desktop, Android, and iOS.

It’s different to most voice messaging apps like Whatsapp or Telegram because delivers voice live, so you can hear the other person and even reply to them while they are talking.

Why I Adore Voxer When Online Coaching

For me, the first contact with the Voxer app came via my business mentor Lizzy Goddard (aff. link). I’d used Zoom, Google Hangouts and Skype with my clients for years, so I was ready for for new ideas and loved Lizzy’s take.

After a few minutes of rambling and confusion, I quickly figured out the right buttons to press. The magic of hearing live voice messages without the pressure to respond quickly was an instant hit for me, and I have not looked back since.

To take things further, I joined Lizzy’s course on Voxer-based day offers (aff. link), I introduced this new format with my own clients, and they loved it! Now, it’s my preferred coaching format.

image of a mobile phone showing the voxer app in use, with voice messages and text messages

Why Use a Voxer Coaching Session Instead of a Zoom Call?

Having worked on Voxer and Zoom for many years, I’ve found so many great reasons to make the switch. Here’s why I love voxer coaching sessions:

  1. You don’t have to do it on your big computer! Voxer works best on a smartphone, so now you don’t have to sit at a desk anymore.

  2. There is no need to review a whole recording. Imagine you’re talking to your coach and they say something amazing. With a video call, you’d have to wait for the recording and look for that one magical’s a waste of time! In a voxer chat, you simply bookmark the best messages for later.

  3. You can pause someone while they are talking. If your brain sparks an idea or you need a second to process and make notes, just hit pause. I use this to help me recap what my client has said and help them reflectl

  4. The sessions are less exhausting. Since you aren’t looking at a video screen for a long time, you are less likely to get Zoom fatigue. That means you can walk away from sessions with more energy and take action faster. Result!

  5. The messaging format allows you space to look around the room, ramble a little, make notes or move whenever you need. This helps you think and reflect better.

Encouraging Your Clients to Try Voxer Coaching

The easiest way to introduce your clients to voice messaging is to offer them a chance to try it for free! You could invite people to send you messages to say hello, or introduce regular office hours through the app. I’ve now offered monthly office hours for my course Language Habit System for over a year, and students know exactly what to expect.

Many people will be a little uncertain about this new format. They can’t see or hear you throughout the session, which is an adjustment. So make sure you allow time for questions before the sessions in order to demonstrate and reassure clients.

It’s also entirely possible for you to switch to Voxer for all new clients. I’ve done it for my own 1:1 coaching packages, and clients often write messages to thank me for the nudge!

Here’s a testimonial from Vickie, who was one of the first people to join me as a Voxer client:


How To Organise Your Coaching on Voxer

Ready to give this Voxer session a try? Here are the best formats I have used or seen:

Coaching Appointments

  1. A Simple Session: The simplest format is to deliver a 1:1 Coaching Session. It’s a similar back-and-forth conversation to what you would do in a phone call or video chat, but with all the added benefits of pausing when you need and moving around at your pleasure.

    I love how Voxer sessions can be booked flexibly, so my coaching packages are built around flexible, client-led Voxer chats.

  2. Days of Voxer: When you want a deeper conversation with space to take action, create a “Day of Voxer” (see Lizzy Goddard course mentioned above - aff. link). You simply pick a date and commit to focusing on your conversations with each other through the day.

woman dictating message into smartphone voxer

Flexible Coaching Options

  1. You can offer an unlimited access package. I have used this as a client of Ruth Poundwhite (aff. link), who’s a fantastic Voxer coach. Clients can leave your trusted coach a message day and night, and review it to reflect on your own thoughts later. Of course, clear rules and boundaries are needed for this type of agreement, so make sure you clearly define what clients can expect from this partnership.

  2. In your next group coaching programme, try setting up a Voxer Group Chat for students to ask you questions, and hear the questions and answers from others too.

  3. And finally, try out voxer as your answerphone. I regularly allow clients to send me questions about my services and courses ahead of a set reply time. This works well for your marketing plans too, for example you can invite questions via Voxer when you’re in the middle of a launch or promotion.

Expert Usage Tips for Voxer Coaching

To get the most out of your Voxer coaching experience, make sure you’ve set up these power-ups:

  1. Activate “Tap to Talk”: Instead of having to hold the Vox button while you’re speaking, this feature lets you tap the button once and you can freely talk.

  2. [Pro] Be aware recalled messages show up as “recalled”: If you’re using Voxer Pro, you can always recall a message that you previously sent. But be aware that your conversation partner will see a message to say the message has been recalled, meaning sometimes you may want to send a quick explanation.

  3. Move the Vox Button: For my fellow left-handed friends, this one is a gift! In the “Preferences” menu, you can choose if you want the big vox button to display on the left, right, or in the middle. Makes it much easier to use the app without weird thumb gymnastics.

  4. [Pro] Preview Received Messages with Transcription: Are you in a busy place? Not mentally ready to listen to a message that shows up as 5 minutes long? The Pro feature of voice to text transcription can help that by allowing you a quick preview without having to listen closely to the message. This can save you time and help you prioritize your responses

Is Voxer Better Than Zoom?

Interesting question! For coaching and mentoring sessions, my answer is yes.

Voxer gives you and your client more space to think, and it makes reviewing important messages 100 times easier. There are some occasions where a Zoom call will always be more helpful, for example if you’re co-working with someone or sharing your screen while you work together.

Is Voxer Free or Paid?

Voxer is a freemium app, so you pay nothing to use it. There’s an optional upgrade called Voxer Pro, which gives you a bunch of useful features like unlimited message storage (meaning your messages don’t disappear after 30 days), transcription and Message Recall. You’ll find my favourites in the Expert Tips above.

Is Voxer Safe?

When it comes to privacy and security, Voxer offers a bunch of solid features. They include end-to-end encryption, so that messages can only be heard by the person you sent them to.

Your data will be stored on a cloud server after the encryption. I understand this makes it very secure but not 100% (as the company hold the encryption key). If you need super high security messaging, use this table for reference.

Does Voxer Work With Bluetooth Headphones or Airpods?

I’ve found Voxer pretty great with my wireless Bluetooth headphones (I use this style from mpow). Before starting a coaching session, ensure your audio settings are correctly configured by opening a chat and tapping the 📳 phone icon next to the ⚙️ settings cog at the top of a chat. This lets you select your bluetooth device as the right speaker.

A useful tip is to test your audio by sending a message to yourself using the My Notes section. This way, you can ensure that your voice comes through clearly and you’re not accidentally sending pocket noises to each other!

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