3 Effective Strategies for Success as a Multi-passionate Entrepreneur

Over my years of running a business with constant variety and innovation, I’ve come to appreciate the advantages of being a creative business owner. For example I currently run Fluent Language, AI Language Club, and my coaching business for business owners.

But am I alone in my varied endeavours? Definitely not! If you are also a creative person who’s got many irons in the fire, be proud to join the ranks of Richard Branson, Melyssa Griffin, Steve Jobs, and Marie Forleo. In fact, I think all entrepreneurs are a bit like you!

Ready to learn my best strategies for success if you’re a business owner with many irons in the fire? Read on to get the top 5 in this blog.

What does ‘Multipassionate’ Mean?

Being multi-passionate means claiming pride in having a business (or two, or more..) that embraces working on more than just one focus.

Here are some telling signs that you’re a multi-passionate person bursting with innovative ideas.

  • You’re interested in many different project ideas and find it easy to imagine how they can achieve success, individually and together.

  • You typically find yourself with many projects on the go, and even a bunch of hobbies and interests.

  • You’ve felt stifled or anxious before when advised to pick a single-track focus.

  • You’re not intimidated by the need to learn new skills - in fact, the learning opportunity sounds exciting to you!

  • In your business, you offer multiple services and products. The Everything Page concept fits you like a glove. (affiliate link)

It doesn’t really matter how many boxes you tick. There’s no multi-passionate person club you need to prove yourself for, so…come on in and join the world of colourful creativity.

Thriving in Business as a Multi-passionate Entrepreneur

  • The art of balancing sprints and maintenance phases

  • Boosting your productivity with efficient business systems

  • Manage your money as a multipassionate person

Switch from Project Sprint to Maintenance Phase

Let’s start with a tricky one, because you likely won’t like the idea of slowing anything down. But one of the keys to success for managing multiple projects without burnout is to know which pace suits you best.

Here are 2 sustainable approaches to keeping your projects going:

The Project Sprint: You never want to be full steam ahead with an unsustainable number of projects at the same time. Instead, choose your focus for a short period. This will usually be the project you’re most excited about, or the one with the looming deadline.

Make the project your priority for at least two weeks, and keep an eye on your energy levels. Focus on keeping your to-do list manageable, and make sure you’ve given yourself some accountability.

I work with a lot of my clients on these sprints, and recommend writing a clear definition of what a project end looks like.

Once the project sprint is over, it is time to slow down and enter the Maintenance Phase: This is about defining what your project looks like when you don’t spend much time on it. Ideally, you want to have some earning potential here! For example:

  • pop affiliate links into your blog artices,

  • pitch a successful summit talk to a different event,

  • set up a newsletter automation that links to a product you created,

  • or set a reminder to follow up and check in with clients in 6 months.

Boost Your Productivity with Efficient Business Systems

With multiple projects on the go, it’s more important than ever to create good systems in your business. Automation and tech are your friend here, and think about creating products that help you serve many people without doubling up on efforts.

I’ve got a big list of tools that I use every day in my business on this resource page, but here are my absolute top 3 for online business owners:

  1. Automate your email marketing. I use both Kit (formerly ConvertKit, affiliate link) and Drip to manage my newsletters, welcome emails, and promotional sequences. The scheduling features and workflows allow me to run project sprints setting up a bunch of emails on one topic and set them up to send when people want to learn more.

  2. Find the right project management software. For me, Notion (affiliate link) is absolutely at the top of the list here, because I love the flexibility, automation tricks, and the way I can type notes right next to images and files. I also love the visual appeal of Trello, and the super-efficient lists in Asana.

  3. Get a great online scheduler. If your business involves meetings and appointments, do not end emails back and forth asking people when they’re free. Send them a link to your calendar and let them book in, reminders automated, super easy. My favourite tool for this is Book Like a Boss, which allows me to set up booking pages with different brand designs. (affiliate link)

Tips for Managing Your Money as a Multi-passionate Person

Balancing multiple projects also means juggling finances carefully, so it’s just important to keep an eye on your costs and check how things are performing.

I’ve found the following tips super helpful:

  • Manage your budget with easy pots. For example, you could use the profit first method, or simply allocate funds for each project based on priority. Many business accounts can automate this for you, and with a budget app like Emma you can even invest and monitor spending.

  • Track your earnings. With multiple projects, you have the opportunity to earn money from many different sources. It helps to keep a close eye on what’s bringing in the most money, and what might need a review.

  • Set a money date for yourself. A money date is your opportunity to celebrate your successes, set new goals, and revisit all your expenses so you can cut out any drains on the funds.

If you try out one of these tips as a multi-passionate entrepreneur, let me know! I’d love to hear how it goes for you.

Is it OK to have more than one passion in business?

Absolutely! Embracing multiple passions in business can be a huge advantage. It allows you to stay creative and innovative, helps you connect with your best clients, and grows your bank balance through multiple incomes streams.

With the right support and the strategies in this article, you’ll be all set for success as a multi-track business owner.

What Next: How to Thrive When You’re a Multi-passionate Entrepreneur

Ready to embrace your multipassionate nature and turn your creative ideas into profitable projects?

Start by identifying one area where you can slow down, collaborate more effectively, or create a new system today. By taking these steps, you'll find that balancing multiple passions isn't just possible, but profitable and rewarding.

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